Dylan Polin
Owner, Adult Coach, Curriculum Director
I started training Parkour in 2005 after seeing one of the first parkour videos by Team Urban Freeflow. What people could do with normal ordinary areas astounded me. I went outside that day and started jumping off everything at the local playground!
I enjoy so much of what i get out of coaching, but my biggest thrill is helping a student ascend past a point they very vividly once thought impossible for them. I call it the "level up" moment.
Anthony "AJ" Baron
Head Facility Coach, Parkour Coach, Media Manager
I've always had a love for high energy activities, from skateboarding and snowboarding, to BMX, and now Parkour.
After seeing videos on the internet and TV, my friends and I started practicing vaults at playgrounds when we were out BMX riding. I quickly fell in love with how pure and fluid the movements of parkour felt
I love coaching because I get to see how my students grow as athletes and it's a great experience seeing their progress.
Scott Jacobs
General Manager, Head Coach, CampHUB Director
My name is Scott Jacobs and I have been training parkour for over 10 years now. When I was in high school I was introduced to parkour by a few of my friends and I haven't looked back since. My favorite aspect of parkour is finding new ways to push the limits I can take myself to.
As a coach, nothing makes me happier than seeing a student who has been working on a skill all class finally get it. It reminds me of when I first started training. I'm so happy to be apart of a team who cares so much about this sport and wants to share that love with students all over Massachusetts!
Dalton Hurley
Head Flips + Freerun Coach, Early Development Curriculum Director
I’ve been obsessed with movement my whole life. I started training PK in 2007, but started to switch over to free running & then tricking because I was into the acrobatic/flashy element of it & it was a lot more accessible for me. I also love competition & started to notice almost everyone has their own love for it as well.
I think the earlier you learn to lose in life, the quicker you can start to grow. For me that’s the best part about parkour, you’re only competing against yourself. There’s no cap to how good you can become. And no matter how good you become, you’re still going to lose sometimes.
That’s also the greatest part about coaching to me. I get to see students struggle or face adversity, & help them train to overcome it. But my favorite thing about coaching is seeing students help each other work together as a team to grow in their own way, that’s what it’s all about.
Nathan Almond
Head Flips + Freerun Coach, Camp Coach
I started movement in 2012 after watching Urban Ninja on YouTube with 2 of my friends. We immediately went out to try what we saw, both outside and at a local gymnastics center for open gym. I went to that open gym every week for close to a year before I started coaching gymnastics there and started a freerun program with them, which I coached both for over 8 years until joining the Hub PTC Team.
I remember the feeling of starting parkour and how it felt when you finally learn something after working hard at it for so long. Parkour has done SO much for me over the years, and all I could ever want is for my students to find the same love for movement as I did.
William "Big Will" Hess
Parkour Coach, HUB Sponsored Athlete, Events Staff
Ernest Lubonja
Adult Coach
I entered the parkour world in October 2008 and ever since the world has been nothing but a beautiful playground. The beginning has always been harsh since there were no books, tutorials, or anything to learn from. Therefor we had to cope with the ground and learn how to properly adjust our body in different situations.
I believe that a lot of athletes shape up according to the architecture they grew up in or at least a part of it. ALBANIA didn't have much to offer in architecture, which meant that my first 5 years of training were going to be basic jumps and flips. Since I've moved into the US everything I've looked at has been with a completely different perspective. I've become more precise and always in sync with my mind.
Anyone can move from A to B. But with life, it’s never that easy and obstacles are almost inevitable. We must adapt and be ready for everything in our way. Determination and time are the necessities to become a great athlete.
Moshe Sloane
Flips + Freerun Coach, HUB Sponsored Athlete
Romario "Ro" Montes
Head Breakdance Coach, Adult Coach
Calman Stolls
Assistant Coach, Birthday Coach
Faith Monteiro
Front Desk, Birthday Party Director
Brian Horn
Front Desk